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第209章 应对如流(1 / 2)

只过了约三分钟,一辆更具艺术感更具科幻感的未来概念车跃然纸上。mr. hake与六位科学家都惊得目瞪口呆。许信成也看得惊讶不已,凭他有限的审美能力,他也能看得出,lucy只用了三分钟修改的这个设计,比他们的所有设计都要高出一两个档次。


lucy修改设计图的这八分钟里, mr. hake与六位科学家全程都没说一句话,全程都在全神贯注地看着墙上的显示器,看着被lucy越修改越趋于完美的设计图。

当lucy把三张修改后的设计图并排地放在一起给他们看时,其中的两位才如同从睡梦中惊醒过来似的,纷纷赞叹,其中一人更是抱着头大喊道:“oh my god! they are so perfect!”(“我的天啊!真地是太完美了!”)

另一个人则喊道:“yes! my goodness!they are so beautiful, they are so perfect, they are the best!”(“是的!我的天哪!它们太漂亮了,它们太完美了,它们是最好的!”)

lucy微微地笑了笑,说:“i am very glad that you like them.”(“你们喜欢它们,我很高兴。”)

mr. hake激动地说:“not just like them, i love them, we love them!”(“不仅仅是喜欢,我爱它们,我们爱它们!”)

“thank you! but of course, they are just my personal ideas on the designs, so please pitch in anytime if you have some even better ideas.”(“多谢!不过,当然了,这些只是我在设计上的一些个人建议,如果你们有更好的主意,请随时提出。”)

mr. hake看了看那六位科学家,和他们作了眼神的交流,然后说:“lucy, we think these 3 designs are the best designs so far. and i think we can easily make a decision now, these 3 designs shall be our final body designs, and based on them, we shall change all the other designs accordingly, the structure design, the glass design, etc.”(“lucy,我们认为这三个设计是目前最好的设计。我认为我们现在可以很容易地作出决定,这三个设计应该成为我们的最终设计方案,在这些设计的基础上,我们将相应地修改其他设计,如车体结构、车体玻璃等。”)

“thank you! then i will leave the structure design, the glass design and other related designs to your good hands.”(“多谢!那我就把车体结构、车体玻璃以及其他相关的设计都托付给你们负责了。”)

“yes, lucy. we will do our best, we are very confident now, based on these new designs, our cars are going to look fantastic.”(“好的,lucy。我们将全力以赴,我们现在很有信心,在这些新设计的基础上,我们的车将看起来很漂亮。”)

“well,nowadays, as you know, only good looks are not enough, so let’s move on, let’s discuss the electric system, the autopilot driving system, etc.”(“嗯,如今,如你们所知,只是有好看的外观是不够的,所以,让我们继续吧,我们接着谈电池系统、自动驾驶系统等。”)

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